Resin 3D printing methods are different, so each technology will have different advantages and disadvantages. It also depends on the power of the built-in light source, the characteristics of the photosensitive resin and other 3D printer components. Under normal circumstances, resin 3D printing is very good, because:
1. High quality and detail. Even if the resolution (lowest layer height) of the resin device is equal to or lower than that of other printers (such as FDM), the result will still be more precise. After liquid photosensitive resin is loaded into the printer, they are easier to create complex geometries than molten plastic.
2. Surface smoothness. Printing with resin will still leave some layer lines, but they are very small and almost invisible under some resin colors. The polymerization reaction produces more attractive prints with a strong structure.
3. Wide range of materials available. Even if there are not many types of resins, it can still include all basic applications and requirements, and the list is still adding species. Each photosensitive resin includes the necessary reactions and additives for working components such as dyes, visual and functional supplements. Different resin combinations can be made into finished products with special functions.
4. high speed. Compared with the prototype method, resin printing is faster, and modern equipment can be very fast. Depending on the size, resin printers can produce high-detail parts without sacrificing quality in a few hours or a day.
5. Low cost for some applications. If a resin printer is used to print a series of end-use products, it may be very expensive. However, for some applications, such as prototypes, custom dental equipment, and mold masters, resin printing can save budgets.
6. Waterproof printing. Compared with plastic or powder materials, photosensitive resins are stronger and waterproof, they do not absorb moisture from the air, and most of them can be used for watertight applications.
For those who want to buy and own a resin printer, other advantages are:
1. Make multiple objects on the build platform. The support made by the software makes the parts "fly", so it is easier and more efficient to connect several models and print together, without adverse effects.
2. The growing enthusiasm for resin printing. Manufacturers, enthusiasts, scientists and other smart people are developing the limits of technology, providing new materials, methods and advancements, and advancements in photosensitive resin processing methods. This provides more aspects and a series of products on the market and reduces costs (mainly cheap desktop resin printers). This technology has received a lot of investment, so now it is easier to find basic knowledge, house arrest, resin and other things that require professional resin printing.
3. Process safety. Desktop equipment and other modern equipment components do not keep heat or create smoke. This shows that resin printing is safer than others, so someone will use the printer indoors or leave it alone safely.
4. Easier to design in 3D. It cannot be said that resin printing has no requirements for digital design. But the proposal and geometric restrictions are less than other printing methods, so it can make more creative and detailed objects.
The main disadvantages and limitations are:
1. Some large-size objects cannot be printed at once, or it will be very expensive. Since resin printing is used to print smaller and finer models, ordinary printers are not large.
2. Some design constraints and needs. Resin printing still has many items that need to be included in product preparation. For example, the engraving details should be at least 0.4mm in width and length. Part orientation and mesh quality also affect printing, so some knowledge and experience are required for perfect completion.
3. Many supporting structures. In order to achieve the best quality, experts recommend placing objects at a 45-degree angle without touching the platform. This means that there will be many supporting structures. They can be removed, but additional operations are required after printing. In addition, after curing, the supports are strong and useless-they cannot be recycled into new resin.
4. Complex resolution parameters. The interesting fact about resin printing is that the resolution parameter (accuracy/quality) is affected by several factors, which means that full attention is needed for live high-detail prints. In addition, for equipment owners, if the 3D printer is powerful enough to achieve a resolution of 50 microns, the type of resin used may allow it to reach 100 microns.